Friday, January 30, 2009

Got Internet Connection @ Home

Finally I got an Internet connection at my home!

After a long wait, I got it delivered two days back. It's a USB Modem from Tata Indicom. For the past few weeks I've been checking every possible website that gave some details on how to configure a USB Modem in Linux. My greatest worry was whether the modem would be detected in Linux. But thanks to the following three sites that gave me all possible information required for configuring the modem. 
I should also mention here that the user manual that comes with the modem configuration CD also lists the basic steps.  

Configuring the modem with wvdial was straight forward in XUbuntu. It automatically detected the modem and to which port it has been plugged. I just set the phone number, user name and password (and, most important, Stupid Mode = 1) in /etc/wvdial.conf file and ran wvdial again. Hurray! I was able to ping and telnet to!

In Fedora Core 1, the modem was not detected automatically. So, I followed the steps from the second listed website, and then 'twas fine! However, there's some problem with the connection there. It is getting terminated just 2/3 seconds after connecting. I need to do some research on that.

Now I've downloaded GStreamer plugins, and am able to listen/view to songs and videos. I guess it's finally time to bid farewell to M$ Windows!